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As a consequence, the demand for raw materials increases severely, such as for oil, rare earth metals and phosphorus. Whereas oil is essential for energy, chemicals and high performance materials (plastics, fibers, etc.), minerals and metals are crucial in numerous products (electronics, catalysts, solar cells, wind turbines, fertilizers, etc.). All of these will become scarce either by exhaustion or by increasing difficulties in mining them. Therefore, solutions are needed to overcome this upcoming scarcity. Moreover, because of the globally increasing standard of living, society also requires novel materials with innovative features. Challenges can be found in the following fields:Resources: material for separation and treatment of waste streams; recyclable materials; biodegradable material; utilization of greenhouse gasses.Energy: energy and feed stock efficient production of building blocks for the future; materials for storage of energy.Food & Bio-economy: new materials with new functionalities and applications; smart packaging.Construction industry and Transport: light but sturdy materials; smart, self-healing paint; functional additives for coatings; organic and in-organic smart and self-resilience composites.Health: self-healing materials and 慽ntimate technology扄 functional sportswear, biomedical materials, packaging for functional and healthy food.Directions for solutionsCurrently, we are witnessing a revolution in both our understanding and the control of complex forms of matter. Complex systems (organic, inorganic and hybrid) are composed of individual entities (molecules, viruses, colloids, nanocrystallites, etc.). Using self-organization on a larger scale in space and/or time, interactions between these entities result in new properties. New nanostructured materials and chemical synthesis routes will provide cost-effective and efficient options for capturing, converting and storing solar energy. With new nanotechnology, materials can be designed and produced in a controlled manner and with great precision. Using simulations and multi-scale modeling, more insight can be gained into the behavior of materials from the atomic level to macroscopic scales. These insights should allow the industry to selectively control the desired properties of materials. With the help of self-assembly, metals and molecules can be coupled to surfaces to make new high-performance materials , such as meta-materials, self-healing coatings, extremely strong textiles, composites of ultra-light materials, and two- and three-dimensional structures with novel electronic properties. The ability to design functional properties of materials can be used to develop new 憇mart devices. Also, with the advent of flexible and foldable surface materials (e.g. solar foil) with luminescent or light-sensitive properties a wide range of new applications is within reach. The development of advanced biodegradable and bio-based materials with specific properties is another challenge to address. Innovations in the field of materials will make the industry less dependent on scarce chemical elements.Focus of the programmeThis NWO-NSFC programme is open to joint Sino-Dutch research projects that address one of the challenges mentioned above and welcomes projects that aim to contribute to the solution of problems underlying the Energy Challenge. The programme invites the joint research teams to submit project proposals that focus on organic, inorganic and/or polymeric materials and composites and/or their application. There should be innovation in the research into the materials themselves, in their application or in a combination of both.稩nnovation in organic, inorganic, and/or polymeric materials and compositesSources of inspiration: properties and structures, including fundamental insights and general principles. 慡mart materials (e.g. self-healing and responsive materials).Materials of high strength.Biodegradable materials.稩nnovation in sustainability through the application of organic, inorganic and/or polymeric materials and compositesSources of inspiration: replacement/substitution, reduction, and recycling of e.g. rare earth metal468d tv!m)/絷汴芡玛韩很殞乽亴乵乢T_TGThh: 6丅*phhh: B*phhh: 6丅*]乸hh: B*phh: B*OJQJph"""h嘊h: B*phh嘊h: 6丅*]乸h hh: CJ^JaJmH sH jhh: 0JU\hh: \h: h: mH sH hh: mH nHsH tH hh: h: 5乗hh: 5乗h?OJQJ^Jo(68 m)[dgd:  & F劌勪d7$8$H$^劌`勪d: 剨d^剨gd: gd: 凲^凲gd: dgd: $凾凾]凾^凾a$gd: $凾]凾a$gd: Z[\MUf1$??????????????鬣赜特矩哟噩ガァ毈暚摜寘zvnvnvnvnvjh?Uh?h40h: CJaJ h: h+" hkh: U ha#5 h: 5乷(h: hh: hh: 5hh: 5乗hh: OJQJ\乛J h: \乷( h: \hh: \?hh: 5丅*CJ^JaJmH phsH h﹒h: \'[2?????????????勦`勦gd: ^gd: 凲^凲gd: dgd: m$劌勫劌`勫d: m$gd: m$gd: s, precious metals, phosphorus as well as waste polymer materials; less polluting; less poisonous. 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