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This common case for support will allow for EPSRC and NSFC to obtain reviews of the same document, coming together in a single joint expert panel decision meeting. Applicants to EPSRC will also need to include a pathway to impact plan, a work plan, a justification of resources and a joint proposal form. The submission to EPSRC should provide full budget information for the UK costs and must have a single proposal form covering all UK partners. The submission to NSFC should include full budget information for the Chinese costs. We expect that each nation will request for travel and subsistence only for their own investigators and researchers. Proposals should follow the standard EPSRC format and guidelines on proposal preparation, but should also include information tailored to this call as specified below. Previous Track Record (maximum 2 sides of A4). Please ensure you also outline the specific expertise of all the UK and Chinese applicants in this subject area, and the expertise available at the UK and China host organisations. Proposed Research and its Context section (maximum 8 sides of A4). Please prepare according to the standard guidance but you should ensure that the case covers the whole project and team such as: Introduce the topic of research and explain its academic and industrial context, demonstrating how it relates to leading research in the UK, in China and worldwide; Detail why the research proposed is of national importance to both the UK and China. Describe the overall programme of work, indicating the research to be undertaken, and the milestones that will be used to measure its progress. You should describe the roles of each member of the research teams in the UK and China; Detail how the proposed project will be managed across the two countries, with particular demonstration of the added benefits to each party due to the collaboration. Pathways to Impact Plan (up to two sides of A4). In this section you should describe how the potential impacts of the proposed research will be realised and this should cover the project as a whole. Work Plan (one page diagrammatic work plan, for example, a PERT or Gantt chart). This should cover the project as a whole, detailing significant milestones and showing how different aspects of the project will link together and be managed. Justification of Resources (up to two sides of A4). This should detail the resources requested for the UK-China project as a whole. You should justify everything requested on both proposals, so that peer reviewers have enough information on the project as a whole to understand why the resources requested are necessary for your proposed project. CVs (up to 2 sides of A4 each) for named researchers, visiting researchers and researcher co-investigators Statements of support from any project partners (no page limit).Joint proposal form detailing the funding requested from NSFC and other details on the Chinese partners; this is available on both NSFC and EPSRC抯 website. This document enables reviewers to have an overview of the complete project. The form should be uploaded as an 慳dditional document within Je-S. 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