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Discussion at the workshop identified that these two factors were critical in the development and transformation of Chinese cities at this time and were strong priorities for further research in order to support the economic development and welfare of China.The urban governance in China is under pressure from forces at play in the Chinese economy and demographic change. As the economy moves away from the high economic growth of the past toward the 憂ew normal this will present fresh policy issues such as unemployment which had in the past been counter-balanced by the phenomenal economic growth. This pressure, along with issues of an ageing society and continuing high migration will pervade all policy prescriptions in urban policymaking for the near future and their interconnections need to be better understood.Urban systems and hierarchiesThe relationship between different cities, their strategies of governance and economic specialisation is of wide interest in China.Partly this is due to the high degree of independence enjoyed by individual city governance in China, and the stratified Chinese governance processes of central, provincial and urban governance which provide a complex range of freedoms and competition within and between different cities. Understanding the system of relations between different cities in a province, or the state as a whole, is of paramount importance to future economic growth. In particular it is vital to understand how different cities can best position themselves to take advantage of China抯 continuing economic growth, especially in the currently planned period of slow down and the contexts of the 憂ew normal economic policy. Yet more also needs to be done to understand how the particular form of governance in China can result in systematic advantages for certain cities over others when it comes to resource allocation.In addition to systems and hierarchies of cities, individual cities can also be understood as complex systems, or systems of systems, in their own right. In the past, many of these systems such as utilities or processes of transport or energy have primarily been addressed in separate silos. More recently there has been a move to understand how these systems are interconnected and interdependent but knowledge is slow to develop due to the complexity of urban systems and the number of interconnections between different systems. Both interpretations relate to the governance of urban areas and the planning of urban economies and impact the efficiency of urban systems.Research is needed to understand the dynamics and challenges presented by urban systems and hierarchies in order to enhance our ability to plan effectively for economic and demographic change. Migration and public servicesChina has a large number of migrants both within provinces to major cities and between different provinces, this leads to significant problems in terms of thehukousystem and migrant access to public services. While the practice of granting hukou is evolving, it can be a source of institutional exclusion for migrants. It will be important to understand how the evolution and changes to hukou are affectingmigrants as individuals and families, and explore the economic and social challenges faced by many such migrants.Migration will not only affectindividual migrants.Native residents are also directly impacted by the migrant population through increased competition for jobs or housing and the challenges of cultural differences and disparate social groups brought together through the economic and demographic growth of the city. The increase in urban population places strain on urban services and infrastructuressuch as health, education, welfare, housing and utilities. The right to access services, the relationship between individuals, communities and public services and the organisation and management of such services make this a broad area of interest for policy makers.The complexities of managing a growing urban population, increased bya migrant population of mainly lower skilled workers from rural environments, changes the complexion of urban areas and economies in the future. Managing this change will require a keen understanding of the needs of migrants in terms of services and access to a decent standard of living. It will also be necessary to understand the challenges cities face in administering the necessary services and infrastructure to growing populations.Land use, housing and infrastructureChina has a long history of major infrastructure projects, yet the rapid urbanisation of many cities has exceeded urban planning capacities in some areas leading to issues of housing supply, land use and infrastructure. In order to move into the next phase of urban development and consolidation, these issues require further study to ensure efficiency and meet the needs of future economic growth and enhanced social wellbeing. Particular focus could be paid to the potential benefits which to be realised through increased use and enforcement of effective planning and zoning practices that are highly effective in many other countries. These reforms would hopefully result in an efficient use of land which could assist in finding the balance between urban sprawl and green spaces which contribute to inhabitants well-being. Affordable housing is inextricably linked to the marketisation of land, and further study could provide insight into the current state of land markets in different cities and the challenges involved in the opening up of land markets in China. Infrastructure will come under significant pressure if the growth in urban areas continues at its current rate. Transportation infrastructure is already heavily burdened by the numbers of cars and the mass transit systems of some cities are underdeveloped for their population size. This gives excellent scope to consider how new high cost mass transit solutions could be developed, financed and made more efficient. The implications of increased car use gives opportunity to consider new policy options for limiting or increasing use of different modes of transportation especially in the context of climate change and the future resilience of urban infrastructures.Inequalities and everyday lifeSocial groups face a range of different challenges and China抯 growth has led to a rapid rise in various inequalities, especially income inequality between the wealthiest and poorest citizens. It is important to study the impact of inequality on different groups within acity, but also explore how individuals and communities live within the city and how they navigate the challenges they face.Given China抯 aging population in general this will present significant challenges for urban areasand could lead to inequalities becoming more pronounced, requiring specific interventions with regards to health services and provision of other social welfare needs.Inequalities however cannot be evaluated from one standpoint given the intersections of disparities which are endemic amongst certain groups, e.g., elderly, poor, migrants, unemployed, women etc. The challenges faced are multiplied through association with one or more of these marginalised groups and they will require a holistic approach to potential solutions.To identify potential solutions it will be necessary to understand different perspectives on issues affecting the urban citizens everyday lives, e.g., fear of crime, personal economic stability, personal well-being, social networks and access to support. Many of the inequalities such as poor educational attainmentcan be linked and interwoven with policies already in place such as hukou which limits migrants access to schooling for their children, leading to an informal 憇econd tier education. This perpetuates through generations and the connections of these and other inequalities must be understood to enable better planning and policy outcomes in future.Urban environment and sustainabilityThe rapid urbanisation of China, similar to Britain of the late 1800s, has had serious implications for the urban environment, particularly in relation to carbon emissions. In addition to the environmental impact of urban development, there has also been a significant and unequal impact on population health and wellbeing in cities with poor communities more likely to suffer the most.China has strict environmental codes and standards however these are often not adhered to, and they have sometimes been placed second to economic goals. It is important to understand why these standards have not been enforced previously but also what can be done to encourage enforcement in the future. The sustainability and resilience of urban areas in the future is going to be heavily reliant on the ability to adapt and manage key environmental factors such as climate change and building on low elevation coastal zones and further research is needed to understand these factors and plan effectively.Chinese cities, like cities across the globe face challenges of resource use, green space, species conservation, biodiversity, pollution, security, public service provision, population growth and adapting to climate change. There is an opportunity for Chinese policymakers to learn from the experiments and best practices of other urban areas in developing effective strategies to enhance the urban environments and sustainability in future.&(*t 6 > F P { <Z? # #$$??c/d/e/g/h/j/k/m/n/q/r/鲱尜使蕱蕱寿寿屬屬寿屬寿蕦賹偈賮yuyuyuyuhr'Pjhr'PUhh;CCJaJhCJOJQJhh5丆JOJQJaJ$hhCJOJQJaJnHtH!hCJOJQJaJnHo(tHhhCJOJQJaJhhCJOJQJhGCJaJh;CCJaJh;CCJaJo(+&*f* t v x { ;<Zbgd & Fgd dgdgd dgdgd朠O ?? #? 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