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But understanding of the multiple hazard risks in earthquake-prone regions may include research in landscape evolution and slope instability processes, and other mechanisms and triggering events (e.g. hydro-meteorological) for comprehending regional hazard risks.Any earthquake-prone region of China may be chosen for research. However, it is expected that projects will seek complementary field laboratories with other projects in order to maximise effectiveness of the investment.It is expected that although individual projects will cover 2 or more themes, all projects funded will work together to deliver the IRNHiC programme. The themes should address:Theme 1: to improve the understanding of the fundamental mechanisms and processes (both physical and social) through the hazard chain that can lead to disaster.Proposals should show how understanding the fundamental mechanisms and processes (both physical and social) through the hazard chain can increase resilience. Proposals may address the underlying mechanics, feedbacks within and between systems, understanding of past events, including dating, and improved modelling. They should consider upscaling requirements to go from site to regional models and where possible, field laboratories should be linked to existing case histories where vulnerable communities have been affected. Proposals should show how a better understanding of the system components will lead to improved characterisation of the hazard and evaluation of particular vulnerabilities and societal resilience; a combination of hazard and vulnerability then leads to a better understanding of risk and the feedbacks between natural and social systems.Theme2: to understand how knowledge of both physical and social processes in the hazard chain can lead to improved hazard monitoring, forecasting and warning.Proposals should show how knowledge of both physical and social processes in the hazard chain can lead to improved hazard monitoring, forecasting and warning, in terms of identifying potential hazard sites, joining local and expert knowledge, ascertaining data requirements and developing monitoring and measurement techniques, both through ground monitoring and remote sensing. Proposals may address the spatial and temporal distributions of hazards, such as where are the fault or potential sites of mass movement, using a combination of techniques such as geological mapping, satellite imagery and local knowledge, and what are the rates of strain accumulation across faults or deformation over landslides/debris flows using a combination of techniques such as geological mapping and dating, terrestrial LIDAR and geodesy, and measurement of meteorological parameters where relevant. Assessing the techniques and different data sets that are available will clarify potential synergies derived from collaboration between UK-China at key geographical areas/field laboratories, while the identification of long time series and case studies will bring added benefits. The development of novel sensors and instruments appropriate for the social context in relation to early warning systems, and communication of warning, may be involved. For warning systems, a key question is threshold determination to trigger the warning, which needs to be made in the understanding of the mechanisms and physical processes involved, in the knowledge of the potential vulnerabilities and how warnings can be effectively communicated,Theme3: to improve risk mitigation, risk management and preparedness.Proposals should show how to improve risk mitigation, risk management and preparedness such that decision support approaches can be developed to take better account of the full range of uncertainties involved; address the interrelationship of multiple natural hazards; provide a basis for incorporating social and local knowledge; link physical models to probabilistic models; and make better use of statistical methods, building on investments from the NERC PURE programme. In particular, proposals should address the implications of uncertainty and of the social and institutional dynamics of expert communities concerned with the appraisal of natural hazards for instance through a focus on sensitivity, scenario and interval analysis. The aim is to deliver prioritised options for risk management (e.g., early warning systems, land-use regulations, enforcement of building codes and communication strategies) in target regions, based on analysis of multiple scenarios and community analysis of options (e.g., using Bayesian belief, or other approaches, as appropriate).Theme4: to improve context-specific hazard risk communication.For improving context-specific hazard risk communication, proposals should aim to improve the communication and uptake of mitigation oriented scientific advice, based upon improved analyses of risk, vulnerability and the transmission of this knowledge, and should do this in collaboration with local, regional and national partners and through understanding of the communities at risk. There is commonly a disjunction between the evolution and provision of expert knowledge and its effective utilisation. Research projects need to assess how scientific knowledge and risk reduction strategies can be most effectively developed and communicated. Theme5: to enhance resilience and recovery for post-disaster reconstruction.Projects should aim to understand how to build community resilience to cascading crises and engineer resilience sympathetic with the environment, in a co-produced approach with the natural sciences. In order to enhance resilience and recovery for post-disaster reconstruction, proposed projects should seek to understand communities as differentiated entities in relation to income, generational, migrant/ settled, urban/rural and educational status; who are the key players; and the role that women p0 1 : ? @ A N :;`e枰借i絠絠絠絇8絇8.h豎ho5?丆JOJQJ^JaJmH sH 1h豎ho5?丆JOJQJ\乛JaJmH sH "hoCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH 0ho5丆JOJQJ^JaJmH nHo(sH tH%ho5丆JOJQJ^JaJmH sH +hc~tho5丆JOJQJ^JaJmH sH (hc~thoCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH *hoCJOJQJ^JaJmH nHsH tH-hoCJOJQJ^JaJmH nHo(sH tH, - W  ./MN$|^a$gdo$|VD^a$gdo $ & Fa$gdo$ & F|a$gdo $|a$gdo$a$gdo4 > B ???,%!'0V4\4&5'5(5*5+5-5.505154555胫掳熾致熾致熾濍嬰rjfjfjfjfrh% Mjh% MU0hohuiCJOJQJ^JaJmH nHsH tH"hoCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH U hc~thoCJOJQJ^JaJ#h豎ho6丆JOJQJ^JaJ&h豎ho5?丆JOJQJ^JaJ)h豎ho5?丆JOJQJ\乛JaJ(hc~thoCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH 4 ?,%J4'5)5*5,5-5/50525354555gdo$a$gdo$^a$gdo$|^a$gdo$|^a$gdolay in the recovery process. Projects should interrogate the role of the voluntary sector (e.g., NGOs) and the private sector (e.g., the insurance industry) versus that of national/regional/local government in building resilience and assess how culture impacts upon perceptions of hazard, risk management and responses. Projects should interrogate what constitutes  good reconstruction from the user viewpoint and question how decisions made in the short term, in terms of governance and humanitarian responses and aid, affect the building of resilient and robust societies over time.The specific themes should each be achieved in collaboration with individuals and communities at risk and other stakeholders, and in the light of their vulnerabilities, deleterious impacts and the uncertainties involved.61?2P:pui皞. 捌A!"#悹$悹%癝班 惄j 666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p€2( 0@P`p€ 0@P`p€ 0@P`p€ 0@P`p€ 0@P`p€ 0@P`p€8XV~ OJPJQJ_HmH nHsH tHJ`?J uick噀 $1$a$ CJKH_HaJmH nHsH tH$A ?$ 貫祂=刉[SOBi?B 0nf恏圏h4 l4a k`? 0鄀Rh DD o0u w9r G$Pa$CJaJ.. o0u w CharCJaJ: : o0u9r G$a$CJaJ.!. o0u CharCJaJ?2 oBodyh$d%d&d'd(d)fNOPQRS>B*CJOJQJ^J_HaJehmH phrsH tH ?B oDefaulth$d%d&d'd(d)fNOPQRS>B*CJOJQJ^J_HaJehmH phrsH tH *Q*oList 0 FPK!倞[Content_Types].xml瑧薺?E鲄卸豶?ヘ微Iw},浔-j弰4 蛇w旄P-t#b螜{U畯銧擉T閁^h卍}悒)蛔*1P? 揯鬃W孱0)櫐T闉9<搇?ぼ$yi}佸;纞@囨?顚跄H滖男u? 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